How to search multiple word documents

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Enter the folder path where you store documents. Set objDoc = Documents.Open(FileName:=strFolder & '\' & strFile) Save and close the file after the action. ' Open each file in the folder to search and replace texts. StrReplaceText = InputBox('Enter replacing text here:') StrFindText = InputBox('Enter finding text here:') StrFile = Dir(strFolder & '\' & '*.docx', vbNormal) StrFolder = InputBox('Enter folder path here:')

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' Pop up input boxes for user to enter folder path, the finding and replacing texts. Now you’ve successfully inserted a new module.Next click “Insert” tab and then choose “Module”.Or simply press “Alt+ F11” to trigger the VBA editor. First and foremost, put all file in one folder and open Word.Since there is always the need to search and replace contents in a batch of files, it would be nice to have the function realized. Then have you thought about using this option in multi-document, like all files under a specific folder? It helps us with the batch process through the entire document, which saves us a lot of time. Generally speaking, most Word users are quite familiar with the “Find and Replace” feature in the software.

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In today’s article, we are thrilled to inform you of the way to find and replace contents in multiple Word documents.